
Prof. Orlando Guntinas-Lichius

Working group Orlando Guntinas-Lichius

Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine

Prof Guntinas-Lichius is among the 10 leading clinical researchers in ENT medicine in Germany in the research ranking based on h-index and citations. He was appointed to the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in 2009.

Theresa Werner
Dr. Anna Mühlig

Prof. Christian Senft

Working group Christian Senft

Department of Neurosurgery
During his time in Frankfurt, Prof. Senft gained an international reputation for his numerous and highly cited papers on glioma surgery and intraoperative imaging of brain tumours. Last year, following his move to Jena University Hospital, Prof Senft started joint research projects with the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at the UKJ (Prof Guntinas-Lichius) and the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Prof Popp).

Julian Kahr
Nico Andreas
Saskia Steiner

Dr. Joachim Denzler

Working group Joachim Denzler

Computer Vision Group Jena
Prof. Denzler was Director of the Michael Stifel Centre Jena from 2015-2018, Director of the Institute of Data Science at DLR from 2020-2022 and is Co-Director of the ELLIS Unit Jena and Board Member of the Thuringian Centre for Learning Systems and Robotics.

Ihab Asaad

Dr. Lawonn

Working group Kai Lawonn

Visualisation and Explorative Data Analysis Group
Kai Lawonn has been a full professor in the field of visualisation and explorative data analysis since October 2021. His research has been published and honoured in several high-calibre journals. In addition to several best paper awards, Kai Lawonn received the Eurographics Award for Best Ph.D. Thesis, the prestigious EuroVis – Young Researcher Award and the Capital – Young Elite Award. The most important award he has received is the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize in 2021.

Jan Hombeck
Fabienne von Deylen

Prof. Hartmut Witte

Working group Hartmut Witte

Ilmenau University of Technology
Prof Hartmut Witte holds a degree in mechanical engineering and is a habilitated specialist in anatomy. His time in anatomy (Bochum) and zoology (Jena) resulted in scientific expertise, particularly in biomechanics. He heads Germany’s only university department of biomechatronics (since 2002), specialising in bionics (in particular biorobotics) and human serving systems.

Max Jäger
Mostafa Sayahkarajy Ph. D.
Sabine Bruchmüller
Katja Uhrhan

Jürgen Popp

Working group Jürgen Popp

Institute of Physical Chemistry / Institute of Photonic Technologies
Jürgen Popp holds a Chair of Physical Chemistry at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and is also Scientific Director of the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany. Jürgen Popp is an expert in biomedical/clinical spectroscopy and imaging with a focus on linear and nonlinear Raman spectroscopy.

Dr. Thomas Meyer-Zedler
Dr. Hyeonsoo Bae
Prof. Michael Schmitt